The Document Agenda: “A library of the 20th century”
A pact protecting environmental activists in South America is set to be signed, 4G service comes to the moon, and the poetry collector behind the...

The Document Agenda: “A curiosity hangs by the thigh of a man”
A dangerous toad threatens the ecology of Madagascar, a painkilling alternative to opioids may exist in the brain, and the story behind one of the...

The Document Agenda: “Discovering that life has somehow found a way to make it work”
Researchers look at the impact of sea-level rise on the West Coast, there may be the possibility life on Mars, after all, and a debate...

The Document Agenda: “Some things have not changed”
One writer explores masculine identity in the age of Trump, researchers are still confused by sonic attacks on U.S. diplomats in Cuba, and mathematicians uncover...

The Document Agenda: “We thought there was one last wild species”
There are no more truly 'wild' horses left on the planet, Elon Musk's Hyperloop may finally break ground on the East Coast, and Mr. Chow...

The Document Agenda: “Solid light works”
Iran indulges its reptilian paranoia, machines are making art that's fooling the human eye, and book reviews, argues one critic, only seem to offer vapid...

The Document Agenda: “I think everybody should like everybody”
Cape Town holds off its water crisis, for now, intimate Andy Warhol recordings recently unearthed, and one of the world's largest publishing CEOs says Ebooks...

The Document Agenda: “How many times can you continue knocking on a closed door?”
Iran's first and only female conductor on the country's political climate, Sotheby's helps you visual your taste in art, and is that really Trump tweeting?

The Document Agenda: “An appropriate place for a bit of end-of-the-world hedonism”
Dubai relaunches a debauched luxury development, researchers uncover new secrets about Picasso's artistic practice, and scientists now understand the need for sleep better than ever.

The Document Agenda: “A bridge between the minuscule quantum world and our macroscopic reality”
Japan's stubborn immigration policies, the story behind the science photo of the year, and volcanic ash might be material of the future.

The Document Agenda: “They could not escape time’s eraser”
The Tea Party's racialized language studied, Tech CEOs are making an end-times retreat in New Zealand, and avant-garde artist Jef Geys died at 83.

The Document Agenda: “A new way to participate in the growing experience”
The very vocal future of hydroponics, Silvo Berlusconi's animal instincts are political, and a visual study of cultural hegemony.
Cooler Heads
A word about all the changes taking place at Document Journal dot com.

The Document Agenda: “The biggest impact to the landscape is human activity”
Man-made climate change is measure in Kenya, Wolfgang Tillmans on his latest EP.

The Document Agenda: “Blooming, buzzing confusion”
Unseen beauty at the bottom of the Antarctic, Netflix's film still methodology, and the story of a mysterious radio station.

The Document Agenda: “We need more light”
Researchers make a case for 'more light,' Chinese police break out the facial surveillance glasses, and the truth about women in the U.K,'s grime scene.

The Document Agenda: “An approach that is better aware of uncertainty is more reliable”
Uncertainty might help with making better decisions, a Vantablack house is built for the Winter Olympics, those who contemplate the future are better at waiting.

The Document Agenda: “Time is not at all something that is an immutable truth”
Director Agnes Varda sends the Academy of Motion Pictures a cut-out of her face, the first Britons may have actually been black, and Facebook’s algorithms...