Document compiled the best out-of-context exchanges and outrageous one-liners from the pre-Fashion Week event

On Tuesday evening, in the calm before the storm of New York Fashion Week, creative agency The Jeffries celebrated its five-year anniversary at Kyle Hotchkiss Carone’s American Bar. Co-founder Kendall Werts, dressed in a sparkling gold suit, was busy with hellos and congratulations as he ushered guests inside the packed Greenwich Village staple.

Werts’s co-hosts—Evan Mock, who held down the DJ booth, and Julia Fox, who made rounds in her signature eyeliner (red this time)—were just two of many head-turning attendees. They strolled about the restaurant, sipping dirty martinis, dancing between tables, posing for flash photographs, and crowding the sidewalk every so often for a breath of fresh air. Partygoers remarked on the success of the evening, including Fox herself, who was pleased with the intimate crowd. “I shared a table with people I’ve known since I was 13,” she said, noting the benefits of a pre-Fashion Week event, where there’s space for locals and plenty of cause for celebration.

Document shares what we happened to overhear in the slideshow below—out-of-context exchanges, outrageous one-liners, insults, secrets, and endearing professions—to provide a snapshot of the spirit of a very good party. But first, a word from the hosts themselves…

Julia Fox: Where’s my vape? I have vape anxiety. I’m like the girl from the memes.

Evan Mock: [Fighting off fans] Can I pee real quick? I have to pee really bad.

Kendall Werts: I am Diana Ross. Those other girls are the Supremes. Take note!

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